
It all starts with a bus. 12 hours on a bus. However, for you folks in the States, you might be picturing a nasty, dank, Greyhound bus. Filled with disreputable characters and the stench of failure in the air. If there’s one thing that Mexico does better than the US (other than Tequila, of course) […]

The Garden of Eden

Genesis 2:15, … The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. The day is beautiful; blue skies, slight breeze, cloudless, sunny and warm.  Every day is like this.  It’s easy to take it for granted. I walk to school every day […]

Sian Ka’an

The road to hell, they say, is paved with good intentions. The road to Sian Ka’an, is paved with rocks, dust, potholes and pain.  The plan was made after class on Friday.  There were to be six of us: Red, the organizer (Germany) Fran, Red’s friend from PDC last year (San Francisco) Mars (Brazil) Paparazzi […]